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How to Join KYS

KYS is a community exclusively for young and beautiful couples and singles. To qualify for this you must be between the ages of 18-35, and good looking.


"Good looking" is determined by our team, this may seem judgemental but this is the only way to make sure that our excluse community stays exclusive.


To Join us please follow the steps to the right.

Step 1 - Click the Join link in the navigation menu.


Step 2 - Fill in the requires information.


Step 3 - IMPORTANT. Now that you have started the sign up process your application is pending. In order for your application to be accepted you now need to provide some varification.


You must now send an email to 

In the subject of this email please enter email address you signed up with.


This email must also contact your name/names, your age/ages, your location, and your names. Your email must also contain two images.


1- One image of you holding a piece of paper with the letters "KYS" on it which shows your face. The piece of paper is to varify that you have not just found an image online.


2- One full length body shot. This does not have to be nude, but it should give a fair indication of your build and body shape.


If you are a couple then you will have to complete steps 1 and 2 for each person.


Once you have completed these steps we will varify your account and you will be  a member, and will be able to check back and see when our next party event is held.

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